Dorchester Town Council


The Town Council executive officer is the Town Clerk who leads a team of 18 full time and 9 part time staff.  You can contact any of them by using the on-line form on the 'Contact Us' tab.

Town Clerk Steve Newman (01305 819034) is responsible for strategic management and development, liaison with other authorities, Council meetings and Policy Committee. Steve is also the Council's 'Proper Officer'.

Assistant Town Clerk (Corporate) Tony Hurley (01305 249091) is responsible for day-to-day management and staff supervision, risk management and the Management Committee and deputise when the Town Clerk is absent or unavailable.

Assistant Town Clerk (Outdoor Services) Carl Dallison (01305 819036 or 07774 761846) is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Council's parks, public open spaces and sports grounds and for health and safety and deputise when the Town Clerk is absent or unavailable.

Community Development Officer Emma Scott (01305 819463) supports the Council to work with the many groups and individuals that make up the community of Dorchester, and with other agencies, to facilitate the development and strengthening of the town’s Community, Cultural, Heritage, Environmental and Economic offer.

Georgina Wakely (01305 819031) is the Mayor’s Secretary, as well as organising a wide range of civic events and taking care of Dorchester's twinning role.  Georgina is also the Committee Clerk for the Planning and Environment Committee.

Tourism Development Officer Matilda Manley (01305 249093) works with the Dorchester Tourism Partnership and Joint Heritage Committee to promote Dorchester as a visitor destination and ensure visitors are welcomed and can access information when they get here. Matilda is also involved in developing new sustainable tourism opportunities that also benefit the local community.

Julie Hollings (01305 819035) is responsible for the Council's three Cemeteries. Julie also manages the bookings for the Borough Gardens House Community Room.

Responsible Finance Officer (RFO) Nigel Hayes (01305 819033) provides the Council's financial administration, including the preparation and monitoring of budgets, the production of year end accounts, management of the Council's financial systems and website accessibility.

Carrie Horlock (01305 819030) works Monday-Thursday mornings and is responsible for Allotments and office administration.

Development Assistant Connie Hollings (01305 819037) assists, develops, and delivers projects based on the Council’s activities in respect of the Environment, Community, Tourism, Marketing, Communication and Events. She manages and develops any matters regarding the Council’s Climate Emergency commitment and Environmental ambitions as well as climate change. 

Finance Apprentice Keira Lake provides support to the RFO and general office administration, whilst studying for the Association of Accounting Technicians qualification.